Galations 5:22

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Galations 5:22

Looking for the TUESDAY TO DO PARTY?

The Blackberry Vine

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Family Tree

My grandmother blessed our family with a gift more precious than any material possession. She created a book with our family history.  She researched and investigated my grandfather's family tracing it back to its origins in Ireland.  Our family has a rich history of many different personalities and backgrounds.  Royalty and peasants, cowboys and indians,  Rebels and Yanks, Amercian Revolutionary soldiers (I'm a DAR member because of her passion for family history) and Texas Revolutionary soldiers and everything in between make up our amazing family.  Because of her hard work, my grandfather, whom I never had the privlege of knowing, comes alive with stories and pictures.   

When I saw Martha Stewart's version of this family tree, I wanted to make one for my parents,  (they just celebrated their 52nd Wedding Anniversary in January,) as well as for my parents-in-love...I'll take them to a printer to have them copied for my brothers and sister-in-love.

Rather than printing in off as in Martha's version, I painted my own with watercolor using her's as a guide.  I followed her instructions for hand-edging the name cards with gold paint. 

I was very happy with the results and look forward to presenting it to my parents this weekend.  I'll present YOU with the tutorial in a few days.  If you can't wait that long to give it a try, then scoot on over to Martha's and check it out for yourself!


OH!  Don't forget stop by tomorrow thru the 12th for the Pretty Packages Party!

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Stephani said...

That looks lovely. And it looks like I could do it cheaper myself (or at least with less hassle) than doing it Martha's way :). Looking forward to the tutorial.

Char@The Starter Home said...

I really like this idea. It turned out just beautifully!

vanpeltium said...

I love how you made Martha's idea your own...I've had that tree bookmarked for a while now to make for my mom...might give your version a try. Thanks for sharing!!!

Megan said...

so beautiful. what a special gift. They are going to love it.


Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

What a great idea! Visiting from Sumo's Sweet Stuff and I am a NEW follower!
Hope you had a great Monday,

Rachel @the house redeemed said...

That is amazing!!!! Great job :)

Unknown said...

Great job! It is a great present!

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Stitches said...

OH man I love it, love it, love it! I thing family tree's are so beautiful. I had this whole idea to paint our entire stair case walls with me and my husbands family trees and our tree with our kids meeting in the middle above the stair case. But the more I investigated the more dificult it became. I was sad to give that up. Yours is just beautiful! And how exciting that your grandmother had a family history book made.

AsylumTanya said...

You have created a lovely family heirloom. Thanks for sharing!

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