Galations 5:22

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Galations 5:22

Looking for the TUESDAY TO DO PARTY?

The Blackberry Vine

Monday, July 29, 2013

Tuesday To Do Party #123 and #122 List Makers

Happy Party Day Friends!!!
Hope your week is off to a great start!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and link up your clever creations!
Let's check out a last week's List Makers:
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just click on the buttons tab.
Now, let's get started with this week's Tuesday To Do Party!
 Before you link up your newest posts, please take a moment to do the following: 
1.  Like The Blackberry Vine on Facebook.
2.  Follow The Blackberry Vine...Google or RSS.
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Again, thank you for stopping by and linking up!!

Tuesday To Do #123

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Friday, July 26, 2013

End Of School Brunch

Why an End of School Brunch post in July?  Well, it's very simple.  I just got to it.  And, I was putting together another brunch I did from last week and realized I never got to this it is.
During the last school year I began subbing quite a bit at our boys' school.  It was such fun!  Being back in a school made me realize that I really did miss it.  Getting to know the kids, parents, teachers and staff better was such a gift.  Another gift was the friendships I made with the other subs.  They are the best!!  To celebrate the end of our year of working together, I wanted to treat them to a brunch during the final days of the school year. 

Because I was working so much, I had to keep the table simple.  The Enabler had given me the great toile cloth some time ago and I had been wanting to use it ever since.  The plates are Spode Bowpot in gray.  I've been watching for more on Ebay, but only see a cup and saucer ever now and then.  The napkins are the same pretty embroidered cotton napkins I got at an estate sale with The Enabler.  My silver is antique Gorham Chantilly received as a gift from my beloved Mrs. McGee.  We had iced tea in the Waterford Pallas Iced Beverage Glasses and mimosas in the Target champagne glasses.

For brunch we had Quiche Lorraine, Baby Blue Spinach & Strawberry Salad & Scones.
We had such fun talking and relaxing together that time got away from us!  It was getting near the time to pick up our kids from school so we had to end our time together.  As I'm writing this I can't help but be a little excited about school starting back.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the summer.  It is just that working with those ladies is such a treat.
Happy Summer Friends!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Black Bean, Farro & Corn Summer Salad

One of the things I love about spending time out at my brother's ranch is the super abundance of fresh produce.  It just makes me want to eat healthy.  So, with fresh corn, tomatoes, cilantro, green onions, avocados, black beans and farro in hand, I went in search of something to make.  I came across this recipe at Cook Smarts.  Below is my version of their salad.  It is DELISH!!!
Black Bean, Farro & Corn Summer Salad
1 can of black beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup of farro, cooked (1/3 cup uncooked)
fresh corn kernels, trimmed from 3 cobs, cooked for about 2 minutes in the microwave
1 cup of sliced grape tomatoes
1 avocado, rough chopped, sprinkled with lemon juice
3 green onions, thinly chopped
Chopped fresh cilantro or basil to taste
3 tablespoons balsamic vinaigrette (I used Newman's Own)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Combine above ingredients.  Chill or serve at room temperature.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tuesday To Do #122 and #121 List Makers

Happy Tuesday To Do, Y'all!!!
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who linked up last week.
We had a smaller than usual get together...maybe lots of you were on vacation...
don't know.  Regardless, I always look forward to seeing what you've been up to.
Let's check out this week's List Makers:
If you were a List Maker this week, feel free to grab a List Maker button...
just click on the buttons tab.
Now, let's get started with this week's Tuesday To Do Party!

 Before you link up your newest posts, please take a moment to do the following: 

1.  Like The Blackberry Vine on Facebook.

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3.  Link back to the party (a sidebar or separate tab is A-OK with me!)

After you link up, stop by a few of the posts and say HI!
Again, thank you for stopping by and linking up!!

Tuesday To Do Party #122

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hand Painted Wine Glasses

My friends and I have started a little tradition.  Once we drop our kids off at camp, we head out to my brother's ranch for a little R 'n R.  I have the most generous brother in that he basically lets me spend the majority of the summer out here.  My friends all are petitioning to be adopted by him!  I say get in line!!
When the girls got here, I had little bags of goodies waiting for them.
Ear plugs (for shooting guns,) bug bands, flashlights and their own personalized wine glasses.
Dollar Tree wine glasses and Martha Stewart glass paint.  Gotta say I'm not overly impressed with the paint.  The Enabler first introduced me to glass paint and her brand works SO MUCH better.  I bet if she reads through this, she'll share her brand in the comments.  This paint seemed thick and did not cover all that well.  I had to do the blue several times to get it to really show up.

On the back, I added the name of the ranch and the date.  This is now our annual tradition, so we may need help in the future remembering what year we did what gifts.
A little colorful animal print on the bottom to sass them up a bit.

Oh, and I misspelled my dear, dear friend's I had to do it over...she said so.

Here's another group picture of the glasses...just threw it in because you can kind of get a glimpse of his AWESOME kitchen...simply gorgeous!!
Maybe I'll do a tour of the place for a future blog post...
I'm thinking about adding painted glasses to my Etsy store.
What do you think?  What is a good price point?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Tuesday To Do #121 and #120 List Makers

Look what was waiting by one of the doors last week!
No worries, just a rat snake, but he was REALLY long and REALLY close to the house.
The boys broke out the Worst Case Scenario Book...the one on the left still doesn't like the fact that I went outside to take pictures!!
Well, that's just a little of what I've been up to over the past week, what have y'all been creating?
For some great inspiration, check out this week's List Makers:
If you were a List Maker this week, feel free to grab a List Maker button...
just click on the buttons tab.
 Before you link up your newest posts, please take a moment to do the following: 
1.  Like The Blackberry Vine on Facebook.
2.  Follow The Blackberry Vine...Google or RSS.
3.  Link back to the party (a sidebar or separate tab is A-OK with me!)
After you link up, stop by a few of the posts and say HI!

Tuesday To Do Party #121

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Tuesday To Do #120 and #119 List Makers

Happy Tuesday To Do, Y'all!!!
Loving the summer and spending time in the country!!!
The boys are at camp and my friend and I are just chillin' on the porch at the ranch.
Hopefully you guys have been busier than me...let's see who was a List Maker this week:
If you were a List Maker this week, feel free to grab a List Maker button...
just click on the buttons tab.
 Before you link up your newest posts, please take a moment to do the following: 
1.  Like The Blackberry Vine on Facebook.
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3.  Link back to the party (a sidebar or separate tab is A-OK with me!)
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Tuesday To Do #120

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Custom Painted Trunk - Avery

We're off to camp tomorrow and so is this trunk!
My sweet friend, Avery, designed it herself.

"I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me."
 Phillipians 4:13

Sky Ranch here we come!!!

Her initials on top of a striped background.
Are your kids off to camp this summer?
Want a custom painted trunk?
Send me an email and we'll see what we can do!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Tuesday To Do #119 and #118 List Makers

Greetings from the country!!!
Hope you've had as beautiful of a day as we've had.
The weather is just perfect!
Not too hot, cool breeze...completely out of character for July in Texas!
Let's check out this week's List Makers:
If you were a List Maker this week, feel free to grab a List Maker button...
just click on the buttons tab.
 Before you link up your newest posts, please take a moment to do the following: 
1.  Like The Blackberry Vine on Facebook.
2.  Follow The Blackberry Vine...Google or RSS.
3.  Link back to the party (a sidebar or separate tab is A-OK with me!)
After you link up, stop by a few of the posts and say HI!

Tuesday To Do #119

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