Galations 5:22

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Galations 5:22

Looking for the TUESDAY TO DO PARTY?

The Blackberry Vine

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tuesday To Do #84

I'm a rat.
There are no List Makers with this post.
There almost wasn't even a post!
But I pulled it all together long enough to get the party up and running for ya....thanks so much for stopping by and joining the party!!!

Now on the the party...

Link up your creations!  Sewing, crafting, cooking, tips, photography, tablescapes, parties, scrapbooking, all works.  Please save your items for sell, your giveaways and your own parties for those specific blog parties.  You're the best!

BEFORE you link up, please make sure you've done the following:
1.  Become a follower of The Blackberry Vine.
2.  Like The Blackberry Vine on Facebook.

3. Grab the TUESDAY TO DO BUTTON from the sidebar, and link back to the Blackberry Vine.  (Yes, it can be a little time-consuming, but it's the sweet blogger thing to do!)

4.  Read the full disclosure policy at the bottom...when I delete your post, I'm not being mean, I'm just showing you some tough bloggy love.

WHEN you link up, link directly to your post, not just to your blog.
AFTER you link up:

 Please visit other participants and leave them some comment love.  Comment, comment, comment!!!
Invite someone to the party! The more the merrier!!! If I visit a blog post and see that YOU invited them to the party, your post may end up a feature on Facebook!  (I can't get to every post every week, but I really try!  The more you invite, the more likely your post will be a Facebook feature!)

I reserve the right to remove posts that are not in keeping with the spirit of Tuesday To-Do including but not limited to those that link to your shop, your giveaway or your linky party, and those that do not link back to the Blackberry Vine. Thanks for playing fair!!


Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting! Love coming here each week to link up!

Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

Nina @ Atir Inspired Decor~AID said...

I am a new follower & I hope you do me the honor & follow me too! Blessings~

Nici @ Posed Perfection said...

Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Vintage Street Designs said...

Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have a lovely week! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for hosting! Have a wonderful week. :)

Crystal said...

thanks for hosting! :-)

Unknown said...

It's getting close to Halloween, great link ups! Thanks so much for hosting!

Jutta Lenihan said...

Thanks so much for hosting!

Shannah @ Just Us Four said...

Thank you so much for hosting. I found your party through the Linky Here Directory. I will be definitely be adding you to my party list tonight.

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