Galations 5:22

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Galations 5:22

Looking for the TUESDAY TO DO PARTY?

The Blackberry Vine

Friday, May 6, 2011

EASY Sausage Crescent Roll Breakfast Casserole

This week we celebrated our teachers and showed our appreciation in many ways.
Giving them cute gifts each day was one way we showed our appreciation. (click here.)
Another way we showed our thanks was with breakfasts and lunches.
Well, I had just finished patting myself on the back because I had finished most of the teacher gifts early, when a wave of naseau overwhelmed me...I had signed up to bring a breakfast casserole and a dessert the following morning (this is around 10:00 pm Monday night!)  My go to breakfast casseroles are all the 'fix the night before and refridgerate' kind.
Besides, that, I didn't have everything I needed for one of those.

So to the internet I went in search of a QUICK and yummy breakfast casserole recipe...this is what I found at (click) (well, this is MY version of what I found at
(photo disclaimer..I HAD to show what it looked like, but I didn't have time to style this the way I'd like to...savory dishes often do not photograph as beautifully as the sweets...I've actually gaged at some that I've seen on the internet even though the recipe sounds delicious...hope this doesn't make you gag.)

Sausage Crescent Roll Breakfast Casserole
1 can of regular sized crescent rolls
1 clove of garlic, pressed through garlic press
1 lb of ground sausage like Owens' or Jimmy Dean
2 cups grated mozzerella or monterey jack or chedder cheese
5 eggs
3/4 cup 1/2 & 1/2
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground pepper
couple of shakes of Tabasco

First, preheat your oven to 425 degrees.  Second, get the sausage and garlic in a pan to begin browning.  Third, lightly grease a 9X13 pan (I used a disposable aluminum pan to make clean-up easier for those hosting the breakfasts,) and cover bottom with crescent roll dough, pressing seams together. 
Once the sausage is completely browned and crumbly, drain grease, then spoon sausage on top of crescent roll dough.  Top sausage with cheese.  Mix eggs and next 4 ingredients together and pour on top of sausage.
Pop in preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes.  Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Of course, I still haven't tried it, but it received rave reviews from the FIRST teacher brunch I delivered it to...just took the other one this morning.

Thanks again to all of our teachers and support staff!
You are awesome!


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Anonymous said...

Yummy! I'd love it if you'd come link up with my recipe linky/contest. Please?!?


Anonymous said...

Congrats! You've made it to the voting round of the Concours d'Cusine!

Good luck!


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